Monday 27 April 2015

This Shocking Fact Shows You Could Be Driving Impaired Without Even Knowing It

According to a study by Loughborough University, even mild dehydration leads to the same amount of driver errors as drunk driving. Over a two-day period, males were put behind a driving simulator. When hydrated, the driving errors averaged about 45, but when they were dehydrated, the errors increased to 101--the same number one would expect to find with drivers under the influence of alcohol or drugs; the errors included lane drifting, braking too late, and crossing the divided lines. The study concluded that hydration is a vital part of driving safety, and should garner the same level of attention as impaired driving. 

So the question is, what constitutes hydration? If I'm drinking a coffee, for instance, on the way to work, am I within the appropriate hydration levels for safe driving? Here are some quick tips for staying hydrated.

1. Coffee is hydrating: A common belief is that coffee is de-hydrating given that it's a diuretic; however, its diuretic effect is not great enough to off-set its hydration qualities. 

2. Fruits work: Don't like forcing yourself to drink litre upon litre of water? Try fruit. Watermelon, for instance, is 90% fruit. If you're going on a long drive, pack some fruit snacks. 

3. Soda Pop?: Yes--in spite of being laden with aspartame and sugars, soda remains a hydrant. So if you don't like litres of water, or eating triangles of watermelon, a soda will do.

4. Juices & Sport Drinks: If soda works, then juices and sports drinks are a given. You can limit their sugar content by adding water to them (something you can do with your kids to keep them from freaking out.

5. Just Add Lemon: You can add stuff to water to make it a bit better, such as lemon (which has a bunch of nutritional benefits, such as flushing toxins out of the body, aids digestion, and a great source of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium). You can also create your own drinks with sparkling water with raspberries or mint sprigs.

6. Celery Sticks: Vegetables are not as hydrating as fruits, but can still do the trick. Those high in water are celery, green peppers, tomatoes, and romaine lettuce. 

7. Urine Check: This is one way to tell if you're hydrated or not: check your urine. If you're urinating every 2-4 hours and your urine is light-coloured, you're hydrated. If, however, it's been 8 hours and you haven't urinated, you're most likely dehydrated.

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