Friday 20 March 2015

7 Reasons Why Spring Is the Best Season...

Spring is here! And here are 7 reasons why it is the best:

1. More hits of vitamin D: This vitamin is critical for physical and emotional well-being. During the dark months of winter, many people, unless supplementing, are vitamin D deficient. With Spring, you'll get out more, and thus be exposed to higher doses of vitamin D which will boost your mood.

2. Better back: Lugging all that snow around several times per week can lead to chronic back and other muscle aches, pains, and, worst of all spasms. With Spring, you're not shovelling snow, thus giving your back, and other parts of your body, time to heal.

3. Greater physical activity: In Spring, you're more likely to get out on your bike, go for a run, or simply walk, which is a major form of health.

4. The upward trajectory toward Summer: With spring here, we know its only a couple of months till Summer. People now are beginning to make plans for the summer, which can elevates one's mood through anticipation.

5. Visiting others: The Spring brings more people out on visits, which is very healthy for overall feelings of connectedness, camaraderie, and conviviality. As written in a previous post, eating with others can bolster your mood and make you feel good.

6. Airing out the house: Spring cleaning is a great time to declutter your home, and get the windows open to let in some fresh air.

7. A clean car: You now have warm(er) weather in which to clean your vehicle: get a good thorough clean inside and out, then take it for a spin--you'll feel great.

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