Monday 23 March 2015

10 Awesome Ways You Can Get That Eye Of The Tiger Back This Spring

You've spent your winter indoors; the treadmill has remained untouched for several months accumulating layers of dust as you've layers around your waste. 

But now with Spring it's a new day: the vitamin D of the longer days is seeping in, you're feeling that bounce in your step and hope in your heart. But you want to go farther; you want to get your life back in order. Here are some ways forward:

1. Get out walking: Walking is an amazing way to get back into shape. I still remember when Pat Quinn of the Maple Leafs went on a critical health regimen, the doctor prescribed two things: cutting back on cigars, and walking. A 20 minute walk per day will help you lose weight, build your cardiovascular health, and get the endorphins flowing thus contributing to your overall health.

2. Cut down on alcohol: With Spring comes more meals out with others, and the advent of BBQ season in through which liquor flows. However, there is countless documentation showing the health ramifications of alcohol use, not only for mood but also brain and liver function. Cutting down on the amount you drink will go a long way toward getting you in better shape.

3. More whole foods: No, not the store per se, but rather those foods that grow from the ground, and not raised on farms. Yes--eating more fruits and vegetables is critical for health. If you haven't already, check out the great documentary Forks over Knives that features two well-known doctors who did cancer research on animal products. 

4. Stand-up desk: Sitting on the job is the new smoking. If you work for yourself, there are innumerable options for setting up a stand-up desk from Ikea to more expensive solutions. If you work for someone else, gather documentation on the health and performance advantages of stand-up desks, and get one in your office. Even offer yourself up as a guinea pig for the rest of the office--it'll go a long way for your health.

5. Naps: Yes, I've written about this for a while now, but it is so important that the message cannot be stated enough: for optimal mental performance, it has been known among famous thinkers, artists, and scientists that a nap every day while in the throes of work is critical. If you don't have blinds in your office, or you don't work for yourself and can afford the time, take time during lunch or another afternoon break to find a quiet place, whether your car or otherwise, and nap. 

6. More sleep: There are variances in optimal hours of sleep for health and top mental/physical performance. If you're getting 6-8 hours that's optimal; however, if you're burning the candle at both ends and feeling run down, then you need to focus on getting an extra hour, or even two. One major deterrent of sleep is LED screens, such as TVs, phones, and tablets. Many fall into the trap of keeping their mobile devices on at night to read the news, etc--or even read. However, it will be far more optimal to bring an ol' fashioned book to bed, ensuring it's neither too exciting nor too boring, but holding just the appropriate tension to render you drowsy and sweep you off to sleep. 

7. Vitamins: This is a contentious issue, and you must consult a physician if you're on medication that may conflict with supplements. However, if you were taking them at some point, but out of neglect or absent-mindedness forgot, it's good to get back into the swing of it: Vitamins D, C, and a good Calcium-Magnesium is an appropriate place to begin. Even in the Spring, one can lack vitamin D, especially if working in-doors.

8. Media-fast: Too much news? Too many Youtube videos, video games, movies, Television? Media affect our moods--there's so much negativity being sold to viewers to keep them tuning in, but it is not an adequate reflection of society: there are always wonderful things happening in our world that conveniently slip through the cracks of the New York Times or Fox News. Get into a good book. Spend time playing Bridge with family and/or friends. There are so many ways to experience the joy of life without glued to media. 

9. Enhance your joy: Yes, this is important indeed, and has been covered in several posts of this blog. Joy can be experienced everywhere, for we as humans are designed for it--yes, designed to experience joy! Have friends over; get out in nature and experience the beauty of our world; reflect in a notebook on the good things that have happened in your life over the past several months, or ways you have overcome hardships. There's always something to be thankful for; and in thanksgiving, we experience joy. People who experience joy in their lives, and choose to see the glass half-full, are often healthier and live longer than those who are cynical and morose. 

10. Get back up: Remember Rocky 6 when the older Balboa confronted the younger Balboa on the street with one of the greatest lines in cinema history? It went something like this: "It's not how many times you get hit, but how hard you get hit but keep moving forward." It's not about how many times you fall down, how many times you 'fail', but how many times you fall down but keep getting back up. Remember Edison? "I have not failed; I've only found 10,000 ways that won't work." Keep moving forward. Keep getting up. Keep affirming Life. 

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