Wednesday 10 August 2016

Build A Stronger Upper Body With These 4 Easy At-Home Exercises

With the 2016 Summer Olympics captivating people worldwide feats of incredible human strength, speed, and agility, it's easy to feel like a couch potato. 

In a recent article in Men's Health, a study has found that men are weaker today than they were 30 years ago. The way it was measured was in grip strength. Apparently, the strength of your grip determines the strength of your hands and upper extremities. 

To me, this isn't surprising news: with the rise of the Information Age the majority of us are working jobs that require very little physical activity, unlike the agricultural and factory jobs of the past. We sit, type, click a mouse, tap our phone and tablet screens, and go home. Not only are such sedentary jobs making us physically weaker, it's also posing a serious threat to our overall health. Many people rely on the gym to keep them somewhat in shape; but with our busy modern lives, and the overall cost of a gym, many either can't take the full advantage of it, or simply can't afford it.

So how can you improve your strength right where you are now? You're reading this article and want to get stronger--how do you do it? Here are some simple things you can begin doing in the comfort of your own home that are proven, with some dedication of course, to work:

1. Push-ups: This is a basic exercise that you can do anywhere. I know one person who did them in the washroom at work during his breaks. The key is to do them everyday. It doesn't matter when you do them, just do them. How many? Simple: as many as you can. The more you do them, the more you'll be able to do.

2. Crunches: This exercise will build your stomach muscles and core. It remains one of the most effective exercises, and, again, can be performed right at home. Do as many as you can, then try to do more. Work at them everyday, and you'll notice the results. Will it take inches off your tummy? Not unless you're watching your diet and burning off more calories than you're taking in. Will it strengthen your stomach? Yup. As well, by strengthening your stomach you're preventing back injury.

3. Bicep Curls: This is to build those Popeye arms--well let's not get too far ahead of ourselves; making them stronger will suffice. Don't have any 50LB dumbbells lying around? No problem. Get yourself a jug of milk or water or even a book and start curling. 

4. Chin-Up/Pull-Up: This is another basic exercise that's amazing for building upper body strength. You can purchase a chin-up bar that fits inside a door frame, or use some of the wood framing in your basement, or find a tree branch--whatever. Just do them. They build your arms, shoulders, and back.

I like these exercises: no expensive gym memberships, no waiting in line at the lat pulldown station or benchpress, no extra cost for a fitness guru to drive you to tears raining medicine balls down on your abdominals--just simple strength-building exercises that get the job done. Start a regimen today that includes doing 3 sets of each exercise--should take you no more than twenty minutes. You'll feel great, and build your strength.

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