Wednesday 13 July 2016

6 Reasons Why Watermelon Is One Of The Most Amazing Things Ever

I love watermelon. My father in-law claims he can pick the perfect watermelon from that massive bin at the grocery store--every time, without fail. And in the many years I've known him and shared watermelon with him, I have yet to find a counterexample to his claim. 

But what my father in-law loves most about watermelon is its health benefits. Here are just a few of them:

1. Lycopene: This is an antioxidant that is more powerful than other carotenoids, such as beta-carotene. Why is lycopene so important? It is known to reduce the risk of stroke--some studies have shown by more than 19 percent. It's also good for its anti-cancer activity, especially prostate cancer. Lycopene may also reduce the risk of ovarian cancer among postmenopausal women. Note: to increase the lycopene level of the watermelon, let it really ripen--the redder the melon, the higher concentration of lycopene it has.

2. Reduce muscle soreness: Are you planning to push weights or hit the pavement on a hot summer day? Drink watermelon juice before you engage in physical activity to reduce next-day muscle pain and heart rate. 

3. Great hair and skin: Vitamin A is good for your hair and skin; and a cup of watermelon gives you about one quarter of your daily required vitamin A. 

4. Digestion: This is a big deal--no one likes to experience gastro-intenstinal discomfort after a meal. Pass on the chocolate cake for dessert and go straight to the watermelon to aid in digestion and keep you regular. 

5. Reduce blood pressure: Citrulline in watermelon will convert to a chemical that's a precursor to nitric oxide, which relaxes and opens the blood vessels for good blood flow. This contributes to low blood pressure.

6. Other great nutrients: Along with Lycopene and vitamin A, watermelon also contains these amazing nutrients that will stimulate health in your body: Vitamins B6 and C, Potassium, and Magnesium.

Now here's what I look for when hunting for the perfect watermelon:

1. Must be heavy for its size: If you pick a watermelon, it should have some nice weight to it--even if it's a small one. Look for one that has a good weight for its size.

2. Bassy echo: Now, drum or knock on the watermelon--does it have a dull thud or an echo like a drum? If it has a nice echo like a drum, chances are it's a ripe one.

3. Yellow belly: If the watermelon has a nice wide yellow belly, that means its been on the ground for a long time, and thus has had time to ripen on the vine.

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