Wednesday 10 February 2016

These 12 Ways Of Surviving Extreme Winter Cold Are So Important It's Ridiculous

Winter can be brutal--especially in places that experience deep arctic freezes. If you are facing extreme cold temperatures, here are some ways you can keep yourself warm:

1. Dress appropriately: It sounds straightforward, but remember that when you decide to walk out of the house in your dress shoes and car coat. What happens if you have car trouble, or get in an accident? How will those dainty shoes work for you in the ditch? Best to wear the parka and even boots. Synthetic fabrics are good, and some even keep perspiration away from your body. 

2. Mittens: Yes--mittens! They work better than gloves because your fingers are held together and thus keep your body heat together. I've always wondered why my fingers freeze in gloves.

3. Hats and scarves: What do you want more, nice hair or hypothermia? Put a hat on and if the wind is real severe a scarf wrapped around your neck and mouth is advisable. 

4. Keep informed: Check the weather before you head out in the morning or going out to walk the dog. You don't want to walk out unprepared and get blasted by extreme winds and cold. You'll also want to stay informed over the following several days until the arctic freeze passes.

5. Recognize symptoms of cold weather exposure: 
  • Shivering, dizziness, confusion, and exhaustion are signs of hypothermia: if you notice this on yourself or someone else, seek medical attention immediately,
  • Grey, white, or yellow skin colouration and waxiness and overall numbness are symptoms of frostbite: seek medical attention
6. Get warm: If you've had overexposure to extreme temperatures, get inside and wrap yourself in blankets and drink warm liquids. 

7. Seek shelter: If you're caught in extreme temperatures, find shelter immediately, whether in buildings or cafe, or your car. If you're outdoors, a hollowed out tree or ditch or even a cave can provide shelter.

8. Keep active: You're going to want to keep your temperature as high as possible. Even when taking shelter somewhere, keep your body moving to stay somewhat warm. 

9. Double-check children's outerwear: Your kids can easily slip outside without a hat or gloves--in extreme cold, this can be hazardous for them. Double check before you leave the house that all your children are bundled up. If one slips out, double-check them also. 

10. Avoid alcohol: Yup--that Gluwein might sound romantic, but in a deep freeze it's not. The alcohol will create blood flow to your extremities thus making you feel warm when you're body's losing heat. 

11. Stay hydrated: You're going to need to drink a lot--unless ordered by your doctor not to. The cold dehydrates your body faster. You know the number one killer of those stranded in the Arctic? It's dehydration, not hunger. People like to use all kinds of body lotions in the winter, for their hands, face, etc. If your body is feeling dry, you could be dehydrated. After drinking, you'll feel your skin moisten up. 

12. Winter vehicle safety kit: You've got to make sure you've got blankets, candle, kitty-litter on hand. If you're confused about the kitty-litter thing, just read my post on how to prepare your winter vehicle safety kit

Winter can beat us up. It's important that we are wise and prepared for the cold when it comes. 

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