Monday 2 November 2015

These 7 Superfoods Will Give You The Mood-Bounce You Need--Giddy Up!

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is also known as winter blues. And with the clocks having rolled back an hour this week, and night falling earlier, it's time to get ourselves prepped for winter--and there's nothing like getting the right kinds of food in the house to do so. 

There are foods that can flatten our moods and those that can cause anxiety--a lot of fast food does this by raising our sodium levels and over-stressing our hearts. However, there are other kinds of foods, known as superfoods, that accomplish the opposite--they actually boost our moods, helping us feel better. 

This is a list of some of the best superfoods:

1. Walnuts: Get out the nut-cracker and the bag of walnuts, because this superfood is high in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B6, and tryptophan (yes, tryptophan--it's not just for Thanksgiving football games). They're also rich in folate (B9), the deficiency of which has been linked to depression.

2. Coffee: Can be a mood booster--of course--though I would caution that too much coffee can lead to unintended consequences, such as irritability and restless sleep. 

3. Bananas: Another good source of tryptophan that can boost mood and induce relaxation, as well as high in magnesium and vitamin B6. Bananas are also high in carbohydrates that stimulate production of serotonin.

4. Yogurt: High in tryptophan, boosting levels of serotonin. Best to eat natural yogurt rather than those high in sugar, the latter of which may cause a mood crash after eating it.

5. Brazil Nuts: Rich in selenium, the depletion of which can lead to depression and irritability. One Brazil nut can provide a daily source of selenium.

6. Chocolate: Well-known mood booster, particularly that of serotonin. However, the danger can be when the chocolate consumption is in candy bars that are high in sugar and fat. If you're going to reach for chocolate, try one high in coco (65-90%)--these tend to be lower in sugar, and will deliver the mood boosting chemicals without raising cholesterol. 

7. Avocado: Here's the chance to make a good batch of guacamole, for avocado is a rich source of folate, the deficiency of which can increase anxiety.

There are many other good superfoods out there, such as tomatoes and ginger. The key is to get these foods into your house and leverage them against any mood issues you may be having. And better yet, create moments to share these foods with others, for community is another way we can liven our moods.

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