Monday 1 June 2015

What We Can All Take Away From Tracy Morgan's Recent TODAY Interview

Tracy Morgan's first interview after the fatal limo-bus crash that took the life of his friend and mentor comic, James McNair, and left Morgan in a coma for two weeks before waking up to realize the malady.

The accident occurred when Morgan, McNair, and some other friends were returning along the New Jersey Turnpike and their limo-bus was rear-ended by a Walmart truck, the driver of which had not slept for over 24 hours and was travelling 20 mph above the speed limit.

Here's what gives us pause: the importance of getting enough sleep, especially when operating any kind of vehicle. 

Driving under sleep deprivation is tantamount to driving drunk. If you are operating a vehicle, no infinite number of Skittles and cans of Red Bull will do the trick. It's best to pull over and rest (a 15 minute nap is a major brain booster and can restore the nerves fried out from lack of sleep) rather than push the pedal to the metal and hammer down another energy drink.

And just because it sounds like a freak accident with Morgan, it can happen to any of us when we get behind the wheel. 

When you're leaving your cottage up north and it's already 9:00pm and you're staring down the barrel of a 3-hour drive home, it's probably best to call it a night and leave at dawn than risk falling asleep at the wheel. 

Moreover, many highways are boring straight runs, which are not stimulating enough for the brain, a result of which you go into auto-pilot and then start dozing off.  Again, it's better to pull off the road and take a rest rather than risk your and someone else's life.

Morgan's life will never be the same: "Bones heal, but the loss of my friend will never heal."

We all make choices in life; and we can choose the right ones. If you're feeling sleepy and at all concerned for the safety of yourself and those in your vehicle, let someone else drive, or take a quick nap to refresh yourself. 

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