Monday 4 May 2015

6 Ways The Force May Be With You: How Star Wars Offers Amazing Insights Into Living The Good Life

It's May the 4th--Star Wars Day. It was informally determined because many people believed May the 4th sounded a lot like "May the force..." People all over the internet have been celebrating this day, especially in light of the new film, Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens, coming out in December.

But what can we learn from the Star Wars films? CNN columnist, David Allen, wrote a piece on the meaning of Star Wars, explaining that as a kid born in 1973 (same year I was, hence my resonance with the piece), in spite of moving around a lot, single-parent home, latch-key kid, there was one constant in his life: The Star Wars movies (much like a friend of mine described the rock band U2 as providing for him the "soundtrack of his life"). This was much like my childhood: I went to all the movies, and obsessively collected as many action figures and paraphernalia I could (I wondered one evening when I couldn't sleep what all that stuff would be worth had my mother not inadvertently cast it all in one big heap on the front drive way as part of a garage sale). And I wonder if much of my interest in the future was stoked by those awe-inspiring movies set "a long time ago in a galaxy far far away." 

What can we glean from these movies? Unfortunately, I lost interest in the latest ones, preferring the initial trilogy and Lucas's physical models and props (much like my love for Jim Henson); nevertheless, let's see what can be extracted. Many believe, as I do, that the Star Wars movies represent a 20th/21st Century myth (as I argue as well for the Matrix trilogy), and thus can offer insights into living the good life.

1. There is a destiny to our lives: What I think many people love about Luke Skywalker is his sense of profound destiny--that he has been chosen from a young boy to fulfill a very important calling in life. Like the mythical character, Luke, we have all be chosen to live out a particular destiny. Finding what that destiny is and how to live it is key to realizing our calling, or vocation, in life.

2. It's easy to find the dark side: Luke wouldn't be Luke without the dark side, his nemesis who turned out to be his father, Darth Vader. The story of Vader is one of being groomed for good, but falling into the clutches of the dark side and being swept away. While we each have a calling in life, it is easy for us to stumble and fall away and far off from our calling. Like Vader, once we fall, it's hard to find our way back again, and we can lead lives of great destruction in the meantime.

3. There can be redemption: Vader's story, in spite of the evil and darkness, ends with redemption when he has an awakening and a moment of great perception--he sees as if for the first time! And with that, he casts the Evil Emperor into the inescapable abyss and reunites with his lost son. If you're on the wrong path, and you've hurt people and feel like you've destroyed your life, there's always redemption--but it takes seeing as if for the first time; and once you see, you must take deliberate steps to changing your life. 

4. Friends are important: Where would Luke be without Han Solo, Princess Lei, C-3PO, and R2D2? And let's not forget Chewbacca! How many times did they bail Luke and one another out? And where would C-3PO be all alone roaming the desert without his trusty (and at times rusty) sidekick R2? We all need friends to get through life; to share experiences with; to take along with us on our journeys. Luke may have been a bit of a loner at times, but he was never out of reach of his friends.

5. Mentors are critical: Do you have a mentor--someone like a Yoda in your life? Mentors are critical for living out your calling in life--just look at Skywalker. In fact, he had at least two: Obi Wan Kenobi and Yoda. Seeking out mentors is actually a determinant of your self-efficacy--how much drive you have to live out your calling. If you have a mentor in your life, keep that relationship going. If you don't, look for one: could be a friend, a business partner, a counsellor you have, etc. They are everywhere. When you find one--even if they don't know it--learn everything you can from them. Like Yoda, they will help you prepare for all the barriers that will inevitably get in your way. 

6. Do some good in the world: What would the galaxy have been if it weren't for the rebels who risked their lives against the dark side and the Evil Empire? We are all put in this world to fulfill a purpose, a calling, that I believe is about doing good against evil. Our world is suffering right now, some say worse than ever: political upheaval, natural disasters, social-economic brittleness, religious conflict, and on and on. Find a way everyday to put some good out there; to help someone out who's in need, to stand up for someone whose being falsely wronged, to be in solidarity with someone who's suffering, to use your gifts to make the world a better place. 

The list of lessons from these great movies are endless. The most important take-away is that you see yourself as having purpose, destiny, calling, and you do everything you can, with the help of many along your way, to find it and fulfill it.

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