Saturday 3 January 2015

The 10 Greatest Blog Posts Of 2014: Awesome Ways To Mitigate Risk In Your Vehicle, Home, And Life

The week of New Years is all about retrospectives: looking back on the previous year for insights and just plain entertainment.

In this spirit, I have scourged the archives of the Easy Way blog to find the Top 10 articles of 2014: those that drove the most number of reader hits. I will not repeat the entire article, but rather provide a brief overview replete with a link that you can simply click to go to the article itself.

When the movie Who Killed the Electric Car was released, it is plausible that the powers that be were not aware of Tesla--or perhaps they were. This article presents the Tesla Model-S as a glimpse into the future of autonomous cars, as well as some options that are soon available from companies like Google and Kia. These are glimpses into a future that many people are not considering right now. The phenomenon of autonomous cars will change everything, from traffic laws and vehicle insurance to personal privacy and freedom. 

A car crash is one of the most terrifying things you can experience in your lifetime, and yet it likely every time you get in a vehicle and travel somewhere. But are there ways to prepare against a car crash? Are there certain things you can do to increase your likelihood of survival or even mitigate major injury? This post lays out 9 ways to prepare against a car crash that could indeed save your life. With winter coming, and being in the time of year in which traffic accidents have a higher rate of occurrence, you'll need to read this to prepare yourself and family.

If I were to tell you that in the next 5 years your technology will be smarter than you, you would probably scoff and slough it off as some conspiratorial scare-tactic; a ploy to manipulate you into reading further through this blog. The problem is that our technology already is smarter than we are, and we don't even know it. Recording conversations in your living room and facial recognition the information of which is sent to third parties are just two ways Smart TVs are invading your home and privacy. This article argues that you need to think twice before buying a Smart TV.

Ebola is a strange phenomenon: while it continues to spread throughout Africa, the news reporting of it has waned dramatically since fall of 2014 when the public awareness was very high. There were reports of Obama prohibiting media from reporting on Ebola that may explain this recession of media coverage. Nevertheless, the pandemic continues to bubble up into the news, and there are sites continuing to track its spread. This remains a critical issue for 2015.

Parking lots suck. And with all the holiday madness, many people have had to endure their poor designs, paying for them with dents in car doors and numbers, and incidents of battles for that last remaining spot. But it's not our fault. Parking lots are a system, the troubling outcomes of which are results of poor design and bottom-line driven developers. Nevertheless, here are a number of important tips for navigating this aberrant terrain.

Well, what would a post-New Years blog be without an article dealing with obesity? With many of us feeling stretched from the holidays beyond merely our bank and credit accounts, it's good to pause and look at our bodies and plan on getting into better shape--especially over these cold winter months. This post looks at some demographic information regarding obesity world-wide, before turning to some very basic ways you can trim up beginning today. Resolve to put a big ol' smile on Richard Simmon's face, for Lord knows we all hate to see him cry...

Wifi is everywhere--and it's making us sick. This is a harsh realization that we all must be aware of. We are currently part of an ongoing experiment on the health ramifications of wifi the results of which we will not fully understand for another decade. And yet, we have wifi everywhere: homes, schools, businesses. This blog is a must read: simple as that. If you have small children, you need to find ways to keep wifi off as much as possible in your home, and limit their exposure to it in public. 

Insurance is all about mitigating risk. We are living in a precarious world for which we need to be prepared. This post is all about the basics of preparing for the number of natural and otherwise disasters that are plausible at every moment. No, it's not to fear monger, or raise any unnecessary flags, but simply to be prepared. Besides, putting such plans and gear together as mentioned in this post can be fun for you and your family, not to mention you'll sleep a bit better at night knowing that you are more prepared than you were yesterday. Not a bad thing to add to your resolution list.

R.I.D.E., while being known as a holiday phenomenon, will continue to rear its head over the course of the year. You need to be prepared. Impaired driving remains a major source of vehicle collisions and vehicle deaths. If you are approaching a R.I.D.E. program, these 4 tips will save you thousands of dollars. 

This post blew all the others totally out of the water, reaching almost 100 hits. The subject-matter is awesome and vital to our times: Survival Gear for Vehicle Safety. This will cover everything you need to put together a vehicle safety kit, as well as the multi-tools and the like. If you haven't put such a kit together, this post will give you the basics so that you can get your McGyver on! 

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