Saturday 27 December 2014

Done With Holidays? 10 Ways You Know You've Had Too Much Christmas

Here are 10 ways you know you've had too much Christmas:

1. You can't look at a sales rack without growing flushed and suffering simultaneous bouts of dizziness and nausea.

2. You can't look at another platter of food without growing flushed and suffering simultaneous bouts of dizziness and nausea.

3. You've had more than one trip to Emergency for diarrhea, constipation, or both.

4. While sitting in the waiting room you've wondered at least once if the chaos erupting in your stomach is a result of the disastrous combination of bread and turkey or symptoms of Celiac Disease.

5. You are cancelling future dinner parties for no reason other than to avoid more social (read: coercive) eating and drinking.

6. You've spent the past two days assembling toys for your children only to find more, still in boxes, piled up in their closet--and you grow dizzy and faint.

7. You don't know what you could possibly buy with the Christmas money you received--and this causes you stress.

8. You would rather live with the jeans that are too tight, the pyjamas whose bottoms are too long, and the multi-tool you'll never use than spend another second in a shopping mall.

9. In the throes of emptiness and remorse you feel surrounded by the memories, and receipts, of all the things you've purchased over the past two weeks, you wonder if you need to find a shopaholics anonymous meeting.

10. You're already making plans for leaving the country next year and avoiding the whole debacle--somewhere warm, remote, and out of reach of friends and relatives.

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