Wednesday 19 November 2014

Which One Of These Reckless Snow Squall Drivers Are You?

It's amazing that during a snow squall there remain those who drive as if it's a blithe afternoon in July. There are different kinds of drivers who act recklessly or idiotically during snow storms, a number of which are listed below. If one or more of them describe you, then hopefully this post will serve as a mirror from which you just can't hide--ya right!

1. The Bay Watcher: Those who believe it can remain summer through sheer willpower and denial, especially in the wardrobe department; they're the ones who wear flimsy shoes while driving in snow storms, or light bomber jackets or no jacket at all. As covered in earlier posts, it's critical that you drive prepared for the worst, which includes wearing appropriate clothing in the event that you get stuck in a snow bank, or, worse yet, you're involved in an accident.

2. The Alaskan: Characterized by layers of snow covering the windshield, back and side windows, and several feet deep on the roof. These are also the vehicles that blow blinding clouds of snow into your windshield, thus severely restricting your visibility. This is not cool--ironically enough... It's not only aesthetically uncool--who wants to look like a giant igloo floating down the 401--it's also dangerous, to yourself and others. Take a few minutes before leaving and get the snow off your vehicle.

3. The Curler: Think it's time to change those tires whose surface is as bald as your aunt Bertha without the wig? These drivers think it's ok to drive with suboptimal and warn out tires through a snow squall; and not only do they endanger the their lives and others, there is an expectation to receive a push up their street and into their driveway while spinning smoke rings out their tires. We all have to suck it up sometime and buy new tires. It's better than getting into a collision.

4. The Blizzard: These are the drivers who storm past you on the highway, going 140 kms/hr up your back tailpipe before veering out into the left lane and sweeping past you in a cloud of snow (they are usually cross-characterized by the Alaskan). It's a wonder where they could be going at such a speed in a snow squall. It's dangerous--that's all that needs to be said. You should be driving at least 10 kms/ hr under the speed limit in a squall, not as if you're on the Autobahn in July.

5. The Honky-Tonker: You're just trying to make your way around the roads in the snow squall, when suddenly the person behind you is honking--seriously? This happened to me once at a Hospital I was parking in front of. My kids were in the back seat, and I was adjusting the vehicle to get into better position by the front door, when suddenly, "Honk honk!"--it was the guy behind me! What was the point of that? We're both trying to get to the same place--the honk was unwarranted. All it does is work the person up some more. 

6. Butt Slinger: You've gotta be addicted to cigarrettes to be dangling one out of the 1 inch crevice you rolled down in your side window. Is it really doing it for you? And then of course when you're done, you throw the the butt out the window. This is really annoying--and looks ridiculous. As well, the second-hand smoke that's clinging on to the interior of your car is putting others who ride in your vehicle at risk of lung cancer. 

If you fit any one, or more, of these profiles, then you need to start putting it into practice--it'll do wonders for you and those around you.

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